Okume Plywood

pannello tutto okumè

Okumè Plywood

Okumè plywood is a panel made up entirely of Okumè wood veneers arranged in crossed fibers and covered with faces of different qualities. Aesthetically it is identified by its pink color. The main features are excellent resistance to moisture and the ability to resist abrasion.

  • Lightness
  • Color uniformity
  • Hygroscopy
  • Water release


  • automotiveAutomotive
    Walls for
    refrigerated trucks
    and commercial vehicles
  • boat buildingBoat building
    Furnishings, internal compartments
  • carpentryCarpentry
    Kitchen or bathroom furnishing
  • constructionsConstructions
    gates, blinds systems,
    overhead doors, wooden houses

Sizes and thicknesses

tabella dimensioni icona pannello legenda

Require other sizes

Technical Information

Quality Grades

  • I  AB
    Where face may be visible, ideal for all types of finish (plating, clear varnish, satin finish etc.) Only a few pin knots or sound, tight ones without cracks are allowed. Very small patches, or well-made repairs where color remains consistent with the rest of the surface are also allowed.
  • II  B
    Face with color variations and a few pin knots or sound, tight ones are allowed. Suitable for coating with laminate, pigmented paints or lacquers. Small loose knots or cracks are allowed, provided they are well-filled patched.
  • III  BB
    "Closed" face, putty-filled, suitable for uses where face is not visible. Sound, tight knots, loose knots, cracks and small holes are allowed, provided they are well-filled patched; discolorations as long as they do not affect soundness.

Download the Quality Grades Brochure

Bonding Classes

  • 1

    Dry Internal Environment
    Suitable for situations in which the panel is repaired, completely protected from atmospheric agents. Use: not exposed to moisture, not in contact with the ground and in a dry environment. Wood moisture less than 20%.
  • 2+

    External Environment with Panel Protection
    Suitable for situations in which the panel is coated, painted, or protected with other chemical protection. It is occasionally not sheltered from the weather elements or completely subject to repeated but not permanent humidification. Use: not in contact with the ground or standing water. Wood humidity above 20% quite frequent.

Download the Bonding Classes Brochure